My first tinder for threesome with my husband

It has been for nearly one year since we decided to try a threesome together. We were told by many friends that threesome can possibly ruin our marriage, so we prefer to keep it steady and safe. Neither of us would rush into it. We agreed that we would wait for the perfect timing, when the opportunity come. We hoped that maybe one day when we went to a bar or met a friend, we would be attracted to a single girl or boy who is also attracted to us. Then we would know that we are going to have a threesome. A spontaneous threesome is what we have been dreaming of.

However, it seems that there are not as many people would appreciate spontaneity as we think. We never had any lucky encounter in the past year. We went to bars and clubs for so many times, not specially looking for threesomes, but just to hang out, nothing happened. It is really hard to find threesomes in real life. We finally get it. We even went to several girls and guys to talk, but it didn’t go so well. We decided to change our strategy.

Everyone knows that these days, the best place to find threesomes is tinder for threesome apps. My husband suggested that long before, but I rejected it strongly. Every time when I think about intentionally finding someone in a certain place, it would be a such buzz-kill. It can kill the mood when thinking about it. However, recently, I started to give in to this idea, because it is really not easy to let it happen spontaneously. Mu husband brought up this suggestion again and I agreed this time.

We downloaded a tinder for threesome app and created a profile on it. When we really did it, it was way more interesting than I thought. It was fun to look at those profiles and make judgment about them together. Objectively speaking, the efficiency really surprised me. We already got several matches the next day we signed in. We would choose one among these matches.

We would talk to them all to see if they are fit for us. There was one girl who we both liked very much. She was single and very pretty. We really hit it off online. We decided she would be the one. We invited her over for dinner that day, actually, the day before yesterday. We had a nice dinner. After dinner, we had a conversation and got everyone cleared with our boundaries. She was more experienced than us. She had a threesome before, but it failed. My husband and I decided to impress her.

After everything was cleared, my husband started to kiss me and then I kissed her while my husband touched and undressed her. One thing led to another, we were all naked. We moved from the couch to bed. My husband firstly penetrated her and then me. We both had our orgasm before it was finished. It was the perfect threesome. Everything we have been hoping for. 


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